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  • Writer's pictureLindsay Wincherauk

The World Doesn't Revolve Around YOU - Get Vaccinated - You, Selfish Bleeps; or DON'T!

Dr. Bonnie is travelling around the province trying to encourage people to do the right thing: Think about anyone but themselves.

Media Interview: Forty-fiveish-Year-Old-Woman (Northern BC)

No offence men, some of us are equally, or more, delusional.

Why aren’t you getting vaccinated?

I don’t trust the vaccines.

Anything else?

I don’t believe in them; our bodies were designed to fight off outsiders; I will let my body do the work for me, not some vaccine we don’t know why it was developed. We can’t trust the vaccines, the media. Those vaccinating us are trying to control us, track us. We can’t—

What are you, drunk?

Are you listening to whatever the hell it is that you are saying?

Are you trying to convince us nefarious forces are trying to control the population of Bella Bella because if they get you, we are all doomed?

Are you trying to provide us all with the definition of a moronic narcissist?

Do you really believe the world is out to get you, and you need to think about the particular messages being sent directly to your— the following three words after comedy will be a lazy dose of comedy, —your tinfoil hat?

Is there another option other than a tinfoil hat?

This may or not be the verbatim interview. Not.

If you're not part of the future, then get out of the way.

  • Peaceful World – John Cougar Mellencamp

My God, I’m not sure if I believe in one, because if the deity existed: Why would the Creator create a virus that stops the world in its tracks, kills more than 4-million people globally, have people denying the veracity of the news reports as they see people cremated on the streets of several countries, march with their six, or so, friends screaming out “Hoax” at events where the organizers tease them with “there will be dancing at the event” —and as most of us realize we need to buy into the social contract and do whatever necessary to protect others, have the “Hoax” screamers refuse to get vaccinated because they believe there is a master plan to get, I guess, them, primarily—and somehow these anti-vaxxers are protecting the rest of us from peril?

Seriously, anti-vaxxers, I don’t need to be nice like Dr. Bonnie, a person, most of you, have verbally assaulted. Because I don’t need to be friendly; you are all fucking idiots. You are too stunted to realize your selfishness prevents the world from recovering to the level you so desire. You definitely are not part of the future.

A Light Goes On

Perhaps, some of you don’t want things to return to normal?


Because if it does, your marginality as a human being will shine through for all to see as you need to find something or someone else to blame and bitch about, for who you are becoming.

Covid-19 isn’t a ploy to take over whatever you have; you’re fucking boring, nobody wants your television—most of us have our own.

So, next time you put on your tin hat, ask yourself: What is the master plan of those out to get you?

Seriously, what’s the end game?

They don’t need to track you: you do have a cell phone; don’t you?

Do you think the nefarious forces want all the Big Gulps for themselves?

Get vaccinated, selfish bleeps.

Or don’t.

Because once the majority of us have been and feel safe—you can no longer hurt us with your selfish ignorance—then, finally, the end game will come clear, and you and your friends can finally have the dance your rally organizers promised.

And for those of you claiming God will take care of you: Did you get vaccinated against Polio, Measles + Rubella (I don’t know what Rubella is, but I like typing it)?

Come to my anti-anti-masker/vaxxer rally on July 32, at the Art Gallery.

An Anthem Singer!

Tuna Melts!

A Bouncy Castle!


June 25, 2021, by Lindsay Wincherauk

(660 Words)

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